This little one was so stubborn..he had the chance to travel with me to the show in Lindau (Bodensee..beautiful area), but no..he preferred to go on eBay. Maybe he feels the rain coming..
However.. sometimes I have to listen to my little friends so here he is:
So I leave him all by himself on eBay while we travel tomorrow to Lindau. The show is on Saturday and Sunday, but driving on Friday is no option. We need about 7 hours, with stops more to get to Lindau. Friday many people start their holidays so traffic on Friday is for sure. On my website I added a little show preview. I was busy dyeing new "Inspiration" fabrics and hope the visitors in Lindau will like these as much as I do. I even dyed bigger pieces for bigger bears.
A little preview of the bigger pieces in above picture. Hope you are able to visit the show and look at all these new fabrics in real.
It`s time for me to sleep, as we leave here early in the morning. Hope to be able to take some pictures at the show to show here next week. Until then!